Friday, October 22, 2010

the pen is mightier than the sword...

For a while now, I have been on the task of writing a novel. But since the last month of so that I have been preparing for going to college, I have had to put it off.

But what is nice is that I finally have some time to get back into it and keep typing. I didn't want to let this idea go because it was one of my best ideas, in my opinion. My last idea for a novel go into about 80 pages or so before I took part of it in to get it critiqued during a class. That was not the best idea because it got shot down and it really drained my confidence. So I decided not to finish it. But ever since that day, I developed a new story that has proven to be much more exciting than my last one. I am deciding not to have it be critiqued by a teacher or someone with literary knowledge until it is completely done...or at least the first draft.

So far, I just finished chapter 3 and ended at a page count of 56 pages. When I finish the first draft, I am going to go through at make my necessary pages for the second draft. I am not all into finding a publisher in hopes of being a famous author. I would just love to finish it.

And then I discovered self-publishing...

If I can get it printed off certain websites and have it sold online, that would be great. Who knows...


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